Essex Red Data List changes
Changes and additions to the Essex Red data List
Major group | Family | Species | Entry added | Entry edited |
Butterflies | Lycaenidae | Satyrium w-album | 25/11/2020 | 25/11/2020 |
Butterflies | Satyridae | Lasiommata megera | 25/11/2020 | 25/11/2020 |
Butterflies | Satyridae | Coenonympha pamphilus | 25/11/2020 | 25/11/2020 |
Larger moths | Geometridae | Ematurga atomaria | 11/04/2013 | 11/04/2013 |
Bees, wasps & ants | Pompilidae | Anoplius caviventris | 10/09/2012 | 10/09/2012 |
Vascular Plants | Linaceae | Linum bienne | 10/12/2009 | 10/12/2009 |
Fungi | Boletaceae | Boletus luridus var luridus | 16/08/2009 | 16/08/2009 |
Fungi | Amanitaceae | Amanita echinocephala | 31/07/2009 | 31/07/2009 |
Fungi | Amanitaceae | Amanita virosa | 31/07/2009 | 31/07/2009 |
Fungi | Amanitaceae | Amanita inopinata | 31/07/2009 | 31/07/2009 |
Fungi | Clathraceae | Clathrus ruber | 30/07/2009 | 30/07/2009 |
Fungi | Agaricaceae | Leucoagaricus subcretaceous | 30/07/2009 | 30/07/2009 |
Fungi | Ganodermataceae | Ganoderma lucidum | 29/07/2009 | 14/11/2009 |
Fungi | Hygrophoraceae | Hygrocybe coccineocrenata | 29/07/2009 | 30/07/2009 |
Orthoptera | Acrididae | Stenobothrus lineatus | 22/07/2009 | 22/07/2009 |
Amphibians and reptiles | Salamandridae | Triturus cristatus | 16/02/2009 | 16/02/2009 |
Bees, wasps & ants | Sphecidae | Crossocerus walkeri | 15/11/2008 | 15/11/2008 |
Bees, wasps & ants | Pompilidae | Evagetes pectinipes | 15/11/2008 | 15/11/2008 |
Bees, wasps & ants | Sphecidae | Crossocerus styrius | 15/11/2008 | 15/11/2008 |
Fungi | Boletaceae | Suillus collinitus | 03/11/2008 | 05/11/2008 |
Fungi | Hygrophoraceae | Hygrocybe spadicea var spadicea | 03/11/2008 | 05/11/2008 |
Deletions to the Essex Red data List
MajorGroup | Family | Species | Entry deleted | Reason |
Micro moths | Gelechiidae | Monochroa elongella | 07/03/2023 | Checking of rarities by Steve Palmer, Gelechiid Recording Scheme, on behalf of Butterfly Conservation, the original recorder of the record from Grays in 1981 has no recollection of it, so advises it be discounted. |
Butterflies | Nymphalidae | Apatura iris | 06/12/2021 | downgraded to 'Least Concern' in Red List of GB Butterflies (Fox & Dennis 2021) due to dramatic range expansion and increased abundance. No longer 'Nationally Notable (b)' and now a widespread species throughout Essex |
Butterflies | Satyridae | Melanargia galathea | 25/11/2020 | omitted due to 'Least Concern' national conservation status. Although largely absent from the north-east of the county, its expansion has been rapid and can be extremely abundance at some sites |
Butterflies | Nymphalidae | Argynnis paphia | 25/11/2020 | omitted due to 'Least Concern' national conservation status and widespread recolonisation of the county. 'Local' status is more appropriate to this species |
Bees, wasps & ants | Megachilinae | Heriades truncorum | 23/09/2020 | Now very widely distributed in Essex, in common with expansion across much of southern England. |
Spiders | Gnaphosidae | Trachyzelotes pedestris | 28/05/2020 | The species has proved to be more widespread nationally than formerly, and is currently too widespread and easily found in the south of the county to remain in the Essex Red Data List. |
Spiders | Araneidae | Zilla diodia | 15/11/2018 | Has become more widespread in the county and nationally |
Spiders | Dictynidae | Nigma walckenaeri | 26/10/2018 | In recent years has spread widely in England. |
Spiders | Araneidae | Larinioides sclopetarius | 20/11/2017 | More widespread than originally thought, and not apparently threatened. |
Spiders | Thomisidae | Diaea dorsata | 17/11/2017 | More widespread than formerly and not threatened. |
Spiders | Araneidae | Mangora acalypha | 04/07/2016 | In Essex this species has been incresasing its distribution and frequency in the past few years and is now common in many parts of the county where it was previously absent. Previously it was mainly restricted to a small central area in the county between Danbury and Tiptree Heath, where it occurs in relic heathland habitats. It had never been recorded in the Epping Forest area, despite many searches in suitable locations. |
Bees, wasps & ants | Halictinae | Lasioglossum pauxillum | 22/07/2013 | This mining bee has increased in range and frequency in Britain and Essex markedly in recent years, |
Spiders | Theridiidae | Steatoda grossa | 23/05/2013 | Increased in south-eastern England and Essex in recent years and usually found indoors or other situations associated with man. |
Spiders | Araneidae | Argiope bruennichi | 17/04/2011 | Widespread in the county and to be downgraded soon from Nationally Scarce |
Amphibians and reptiles | Lacertidae | Lacerta vivipara | 09/12/2009 | |
Amphibians and reptiles | Colubridae | Natrix natrix | 09/12/2009 | |
Amphibians and reptiles | Anguidae | Anguis fragilis | 09/12/2009 | |
Grasshoppers & allied orders | Conocephalidae | Conocephalus discolor | 30/06/2009 | Conocephalus discolor has been removed from the ERD List due to its continued range expansion in the county. It is now a widespread and common bush-cricket in no current need of special conservation measures. |
Bees, wasps & ants | Vespidae | Dolichovespula media | 26/06/2009 | At the time the Essex Red Data List was first put together, this wasp was still rare in the county with only a few records. Although still officially Nationally Scarce (Notable A) it is now removed it from the Essex Red Data List to reflect its present distribution and status in the county. |
Spiders | Philodromidae | Philodromus praedatus | 11/02/2009 | Widespread in the county and to be downgraded soon from Nationally Scarce |
Spiders | Philodromidae | Philodromus albidus | 11/02/2009 | Widespread in the county and to be downgraded soon from Nationally Scarce |
Work to develop the facility to update the Essex Red Data List on an ongoing basis has been supported by the Essex Biodiversity Project .